Greg was a guest recently on the radio show!
I have had the privilege of joining an advisory board for Africa Windmill Project ( This is a wonderful, well-planned and managed group that provides training and irrigation equipment to farmers in Malawi, Africa.
Co-Founding an alliance of non-profits, law enforcement and community supporters to fight human trafficking in my community was not on my rewirement radar screen but when I learned how horrible and prevalent trafficking was here in Central Florida I had to do something. So… following the model of an alliance in Washington State, SAFE Central Florida was conceived and launched in 2019/2020.
Some of the most common things I experienced that have been confirmed time and time again by others I have talked to are the ups and downs emotionally when you retire from a long career, how it’s easy to overdo leisure activities where they are no longer as much fun as they once were and how so many work relationships disappear when you leave the workplace.
Greg Snyder was recently interviewed by Collin Outerbridge, Lead Pastor at Nona Church in Orlando, about the scope of the human trafficking issue in the state of Florida and specifically in Orlando - and how SAFE in Central Florida is positioned to help aid in the fight.
SEX TRAFFICKING…What is it and why are we talking about it? You can find out more by watching the attached video conversation Pete Alwinson has with his friend Greg Snyder, a leader in a new ministry in Greater Orlando called: SAFE. This is a men’s issue and we need to know more about it as Christian men and more importantly, do something about it. Watch this video!
Having over 40 years of experience in the power generation industry as well as skills in leading teams and building growth strategies has allowed me to plug into a variety of for-profit companies.